District leader candidates’ information is available here.

Voting Information | District 52 Toastmasters           

  1. Vote Master Albert Lin will be on the Zoom Meeting with us for support.
  2. We will be using the voting system to vote for the District Alignment and any CONTESTED positions.
  3. Early in the Business Meeting, Delegates will do a practice vote. At that time, you will receive a text and email from invitations@mail.electionbuddy.com with a link to access the voting platform. Check your spam/junk folder if you don’t receive it.
  4. Click the link that was emailed or texted to you and sign in using the Access Key and Passwords given to you in the email or text. The Access Key is your MEMBER NUMBER. The representative will provide support with any issues.
  5. This will bring you to the voting screen for the first vote. Make your selection and Click Verify Your Confirm your choice and click Submit Ballot. IMPORTANT: DO NOT CLOSE THE SCREEN AFTER CLICKING SUBMIT BALLOT.
  6. You will be given 3 minutes to cast your vote. After the vote, The results will be shown on screen.


 https://secure.electionbuddy.com/m/d52 **

Voting Instructions | District 52 Toastmasters         

  1. Voters will have received an email from “Toastmasters District 52” This email will include a link that your voters will use to take them to the login page and their access key and password. If they have a text message on file, they may also receive a text. Voters will click on the link provided.
  2. On the login page, the voter will enter their access key (your member number) and password exactly as depicted on the notice. Successful entry of your credentials will bring them to the ballot for your first vote.
  3. The voter will read the ballot carefully and follow the instructions provided on the ballot to vote on the item. After they have made your selections, they will select the “Continue” button at the bottom of the ballot.
  4. Voters will be brought to a page where you can review the choices they made on the previous page. They will confirm their choice is correct and then select the “Submit” button. Or, if they accidentally selected the wrong option they can go back and edit their ballot.
  5. Voters will then be brought to the “Thank You!” This page includes your confirmation code for this vote. At the bottom of the page is an orange “Next Vote” button. The voter will select this button.
  6. The “Next Vote” button will take them to the meeting page. This meeting page will be blank until the next vote goes live. Do not close this web page or navigate away from it.
  7. Once the next vote goes live, a new button will appear on the meeting page. The voter will select this button to proceed through the voting process for the next vote and repeat steps 3 through 6 until all voting has been completed.
  8. If the voter gets out of the voting flow (i.e., by closing their browser or needing to use a different device) they can go to the following link:


The above link will return them to the flow of voting and the next vote will appear when ready.