“Fearless Champions, Faithful Friends!”

A note from our New District Director, Circe Denyer
Today we begin together to write a new chapter in the history of District 52. Some things will be familiar, and some will be dynamically different. I am looking forward to holding the reins for the next 12 months. 
I welcome your participation this term. Join me, Lawrence Quesada, DTM and Jim Kearney, DTM as we chart a new and exciting course for Toastmaster members in each club. We are excited and ready to create the kind of experience success comes from—your success.
I see a heroic District 52. A transformed District 52. A District I am proud to be a member of with all of you.
Together we are District 52 — Fearless Champions, Faithful Friends.
Circe Denyer, DTM, District Director 2020-2021

1 thought on ““Fearless Champions, Faithful Friends!””

  1. Arthur Villanova

    Thank you Circe. I look forward to working with you and helping you in achieving the goals you set out for District 52. I like what Robin Sharma said about beginnings, “Starting strong is good. Finishing strong is epic.” Let’s make this a great year for growth of each individual District 52 member! If we do, we will have an epic club year.

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