Map of Los Angeles with the words AREA DIRECTOR CLUB REPORTS written on top


We have always said that the best position in district leadership is that of an Area Director. For us Toastmasters and Distrct52 to serve our members and clubs, Area Directors are our first line in going out to clubs, seeing what’s going on, what their needs are and how we can help them. More importantly, this is one of the best positions to make friends all over the district.


We encourage Area Directors, not just to make club visits, but to visit clubs and make friends. Long-Term friendships were created when getting to know our fellow Toastmasters through club visits.


A friendly reminder, that Club Visit Reports are due on November 30, 2021. However, complete your club visits early and Area Directors will be receiving an incentive gift and will be recognized for all that they do.


Read the following article about shining as an area director: 


Additional Resources can be found here:


Area Directors: Conduct an Effective Club Visit — Support your clubs and understand their needs through quality club visits. Serving Clubs Through Visits: A Guide For Area Directors can guide you for a successful visit. Submit your Area Director Club Visit reports through District Central by November 30 for credit toward the Distinguished Area Program.

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