Taking The First Step

Club Growth: Taking The First Step

Club Growth Director Blog Post
Fellow leaders – How are you doing and most importantly how are your clubs doing? If you feel that your club is struggling with member retention or lack of motivation and lackluster club growth then you have come to the right place because the real change happens at the club level. They say “Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” so congratulations on taking that first step towards making that change.
Some good news first, on August 3rd we had a launch meeting to charter a new club at SRAR (Southland Regional Association of Realtors) and it was hugely successful (see picture below). We explained the benefits of being a Toastmaster to a new audience.
 Let’s try the following strategies to boost your club growth and member retention:
  1. We should not wait until the June of 2023 to get distinguished but get as many members as possible starting now. 
  2. Check with the District regarding Smedley membership building incentives and other incentives that we offer. We also have incentives for new clubs that get chartered by September 30th.
  3. Please welcome new members, make them feel at home, and follow up with them.
  4. Follow up with guests, and previous members on a regular basis.
  5. Evaluate members’ interests and see what’s working for them and what isn’t.
  6. Join the club ambassadors program.  
  7. Update your club website and publicize your club on social media(Facebook, Instagram, Meetup) and google.
  8. Consider conducting a marketing campaign (Open House etc.)
  9. Get member testimonials and success stories.
  10. Move to a Hybrid Meeting approach if Zoom/In-Person only isn’t working

Please reach out to your respective Area Directors, Division Directors, Club Growth Director, or any of the District Leaders if you need anything. We are here to serve you and we can only succeed if you do.

On a closing note, bring a friend to your Toastmasters meeting and tell them why being a Toastmasters is a way of life. Lastly, let’s get Smedley Distinguished this year – We can do it.
– Ruchin Gupta (Club Growth Director)
Club Growth: Taking The First Step

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