Club Officer Training

Club Officer Training

Program Quality Director Blog Post
As Benjamin Franklin said, “If You Fail to Plan, You Are Planning to Fail”. As Club Officers you have a chance to make a difference in someone’s life. Just as you were inspired, guided and helped by someone…you now have the chance to do that for others, through planning! The best way to plan the year is by getting club officer training which provides: INSIGHT, CLARITY & INSPIRATION!
To enhance your club through achieving success this year, you can take charge through getting your training! If you are trained yourself,  but there are other club officers in your club who have not attended training, reach out to them and let them know you are counting on them to attend club officer training because you care about their success and that of the club!
The clubs last year who were the MOST successful got trained BOTH rounds of training. Want to join their ranks? Join us for training!
Upcoming club officer training can be found here:
With every new year, there is an opportunity to start anew! Let’s start the year off with a bang and get your club 100% club officers trained.
Thank you for your leadership!
Serena McCullough, DTM
Program Quality Director

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