DTM Chair Archives - Toastmasters - District 3

You want to be a Distinguished Toastmaster !


Are you ready to put in the effort to achieve this goal?


You are in the right place.

We are here to help YOU get there.

This page is dedicated to helping all Toastmasters achieve their DTM awards.

We will design a way forward that assists you to achieve this goal, based on your timeline and availability.


Let’s begin your new journey together and get your where you want to be.

Toastmasters Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Program - D17 WA

Acquiring Your DTM Award

You are there. You are ready to go. All it takes is for you to make the decision to “flip that switch” and it is DTM time. OMG what did you just do to yourself. Downloading that DTM award application, seeing everything involved. YIKES!!! Do you take that decision back? The answer is an emphatic NO. It is the right decision. You just need to remember that YOU ARE NOT IN THIS ALONE.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here to help you make sense of it all. We will walk beside you on that journey to reach your goal, assisting you in managing the process without becoming overwhelmed. Being overwhelmed is simply a lack of knowledge, resources, and how to use them to achieve your goal. We are here to make those things available to you. We help you remove whatever obstacles or stumbling blocks lie in your way toward successfully achieving that illustrious DTM Award.

The First Step

Every journey begins with the first step. Contrary to popular belief, it is not just taking that step. It is the step before the first step that you need to do first. Just like with any journey, you need to know the destination first, otherwise how will you know you arrived where you wanted to be?

It is the same here. To know where you want to go and what is required to happen in order for you to get there, you must have a plan in place. Download your DTM Application. Pre-fill the information for the items you already completed. THEN contact your mentor. Together you will build a plan to complete the rest of the tasks based on your schedule and timeline.

After that first step, everything else becomes a piece of cake. That first one is the doozy because you never know how big it is going to be until you take it. Stepping out of your comfort zone opens a whole new world of possibilities for you. That first step breaks down that comfort barrier. Once taken, you are off and running. Your mentor will guide the rest of the way, one task at a time. Stay in constant contact with your mentor, checking in to be sure you are on the right track and obstacles get removed.

The DTM Process Flow Diagram

Click the links in the boxes for more details.