In Memoriam of Richard Dickson, DTM

A Virtual Celebration of Life for Richard Dickson
will be held via Zoom on Saturday, June 20th at 4pm

Have you met Richard Dickson? He was a long time Toastmaster, our Assistant Chief Judge for this year’s district speech contests, a great speaker, a District training officer and always clad in purple, his favorite color. He was present at almost every one of our many virtual speech contests this spring, and brought an air of levity and jest to our breakout rooms with his humor! 

Richard passed away from a stroke on June 9th. He was a beloved figure and friend of the District 52 Toastmasters community and an incoming Division Director for the 2020-2021 Toastmaster year.

If you have a short message for Richard, or a quote or memory you’d like to share, please email to and we will post there as our virtual tribute to our fellow Toastmaster.

I first met Richard years ago when I had the pleasure of sitting next to him during a District contest in which he competed.  I remember how he talked of being widowed.  His presentation was funny, warm and personal.  I was particularly impressed because you could see his kind heart and sincere nature. 
This morning I, like many others, was so shocked and saddened to hear of his sudden passing.  Even though I didn’t know him well, it was obvious that Richard touched those he met with his warmth and ability to connect.  It is so sad to lose Richard, and it is hard to believe he is gone too soon, but Heaven has gained an angel. – Carolyn Cousins-Goldman, DTM, PDG, QS
Richard, you always brightened up every conversation or event. It was a pleasure to hear your speech at the launch meeting in February, and it was fun discussing what type of cocktail we’d make at home in speech contest break out rooms. You were a great Toastmaster, a wonderful Chief Judge, a great speaker, and a kind and patient person. We will truly miss you. 😔 – Judy Thang

This gentle man exemplified kindness, patience and love of his fellow human being. He was a top-shelf Toastmaster trainer, a great speaker and a wonderful person. His passion for public speaking and leadership was only surpassed by his love for anything purple. Never an unkind word came from him. This man has left a large footprint on this planet that many cannot fill. He will be missed by many.       – Armen P. Klujian

Richard was a great man who loved humanity very much. I had the pleasure of listening to his powerful speeches and working with him during speech contests. He exemplified all four core values of Toastmasters: integrity, respect, service and excellence. I will miss him dearly. May he Rest In Peace – Erik A. Fonseca

Richard was among a very tight circle of Toastmasters who I call FRIEND! I never use that word lightly and I consider him to have been a friend to me in many ways! He helped to make my experience in District 52 very special! If not for him and a few others I would NOT have gotten my DTM! If not for him I would NOT have elevated my speaking AND evaluation skills! I will miss his laugh, I will miss his poker face, I will miss his “point of order” during meetings and most of all…I will miss his hugs and his love! I love you Richard Dickson! Until we meet again, Enjoy your journey amongst the stars! – Djoser Garrison-Quick

Sad to hear this news. He was an outstanding man and an outstanding toastmaster. Life is precious. 😔💞– Jeremy Weinglass

I am shocked and so saddened. Richard was a kind, warm hearted gentleman. He will be so sorely missed by all who knew him. Heaven is a better place with him there. 💖 –Carolyn Marie Barcinas

How I will remember Richard? I will remember his kind and gentle demeanor. He was patient and kind. Having many conversations with him about our first go at Virtual Contest this past March…He showed great restraint as I raised my voice in concern…And I do mean: I was getting agitated – but not him. Always listening. Always responding – taking into consideration of his listener. His level head kept me going during those most interesting times. So much so…We had a successful Area Contest one week, one week after the shutdown. Come to think of it…Every D52 Event I attended – When I ran into Richard…There was always a smile, a hug and genuine ‘check-in’ to see how I was doing. And probably a few kind words as we went back to our separate ways. When I heard of his passing – I was in totally disbelief. Wasn’t he on the Zoom Training Call for the upcoming TLI Event on June 13th. Didn’t he just accept being a Division Director. Didn’t I just say to him…”Hey if you need any help with that Division Director thing – Let me know.” I am saddened by this news. Rest in Peace Richard. I know Heaven is a little more purple now.

– Maurice DiMino

Since returning to D52 in 2016, I had never encountered Richard at a TLI or spring conference. In fact, I’d never even heard his name before March 2020. Then comes the lockdown, and overnight I’m working with Richard at a steady stream of area and division contests. He impressed me as a patient, generous and thoroughly decent man. The other thing I noticed is that, at least from how I experienced him over Zoom, he was enjoying his role as chief judge. He had fun talking to his judges while we waited in the breakout rooms. He had fun doing his job. I was looking forward to meeting him in person someday in the near future. Go with God Richard, and keep rocking the purple. It’s my favorite color, too.

– Steven Cavallero

Richard seemed to live and be a man of compassion & empathy. He shined bright and loved with a fun purple passion that transcended the average grumbling world. For instance, Richard’s advice had a way of cutting through the shadows that chained us, and went straight to the heart of the matter to grant a remedy and freedom from the challenge. Richard’s values and character stood taller than his stature, both samples of his love. His heart for service could and would, turn any doubt into a movement towards hope and progress. I saw this so frequently in Toastmasters. I respected him for that, yet have some guilt for not having the time to tell him directly. If you weren’t experiencing Richard’s ways directly, certainly you witnessed the love Richard shared by simply being around him. You couldn’t miss it! THAT is what made him so admirable and respectable. I am grateful for that. Thank you Richard, for the gifts of kindness, service, compassion, and being such a big part of our lives. Your words have gone silent, but fellow Toastmaster Richard Dickson, your message echoes foreword. Peace.

– William A Guthrie Fellow Toastmaster


Thank you so much!  Although I was aware that Richard (always “Rick” to me) was in Toastmasters, I had never had the opportunity to see him speak!  Our family will treasurer the video as part of our family history.

-Mike Dickson


3 thoughts on “In Memoriam of Richard Dickson, DTM”

  1. Mike Dickson, Older Brother

    Thank you so much! Although I was aware that Richard (always “Rick” to me) was in Toastmasters, I had never had the opportunity to see him speak! Our family will treasurer the video as part of our family history.

  2. Steven Cavallero

    Since returning to D52 in 2016, I had never encountered Richard at a TLI or spring conference. In fact, I’d never even heard his name before March 2020. Then comes the lockdown, and overnight I’m working with Richard at a steady stream of area and division contests. He impressed me as a patient, generous and thoroughly decent man. The other thing I noticed is that, at least from how I experienced him over Zoom, he was enjoying his role as chief judge. He had fun talking to his judges while we waited in the breakout rooms. He had fun doing his job. I was looking forward to meeting him in person someday in the near future. Go with God Richard, and keep rocking the purple. It’s my favorite color, too. – Steven Cavallero

  3. Cynthia Griffin

    I am shocked at Richard’s passing and am also thankful that I was able to experience his amazing personality.

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