TO: District Council Members (District Executive Committee, Club Presidents and Club VP-Education)
Update: Download business meeting packet (with agenda) HERE.
You are receiving this notice as you are entitled to cast your vote at the upcoming D52 Business Meeting on May 17 at 7:00 PM PDT.
Per Toastmasters International bylaws, policies, and protocols District 52 will be conducting this year’s District Council Spring Business Meeting, held online via Zoom, on Friday, May 17, 2024, 7:00 PM. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct District business and conduct our election. (See attached District Leadership Committee report).
Calendar Event Page:
Candidate’s Corner:
A proposal was adopted that eliminates voting by proxy. Please carefully read details below:
Only the Club President and Vice President Education may vote on behalf of a club. Another member of the club is not able to cast a vote since proxies have been removed. The Club President or Vice President may cast a vote for their role and the other for a maximum of two votes. Note: Regardless of how many clubs a member is the Club President or Vice President, they may only cast a maximum of two votes. The District Administrative Bylaws, Article X (d) below state:
When the voting process is conducted only the Club President and/or Vice President Education of any Member Club may vote on behalf of the club as its representative. Either club officer may carry the club’s two (2) votes or, each of these club officers may carry one (1) vote, as determined by the club membership. The representative from any Member Club in good standing is entitled to a maximum of two (2) votes.
District Executive Committee members are entitled to one (1) vote and may cast up to two (2) additional votes as a representative of a Member Club, for a maximum of three (3) votes. District Council members must cast their own votes; no proxies are permitted.
You must register for the District Council Meeting in advance by May 16th. Your registration and attendance is important to constitute the required quorum for the successful transaction of business at this meeting.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Registration to vote will close on May 16, 2024, at 11:59 PM PDT.
The agenda will be emailed two weeks prior to the meeting date. Questions regarding the District 52 Council Meeting may be emailed to the District Administration Manager at
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